A Field Study Trip for Tourism Guidance Students at the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels to Jerash Governorate.

A Field Study Trip for Tourism Guidance Students at the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels to Jerash Governorate.

 Tourism guidance students from the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels visited the archaeological and tourist sites in Jerash Governorate as part of their Field Training (1) course, taught by Prof. Akram Rawashdeh, Dean of the Faculty. This course requires students to explore all the archaeological sites in northern Jordan.

The visit included the archaeological site of Jerash with all its monuments, Al-Ma’wa Wildlife Reserve, which hosts over 70 animals, including lions, tigers, hyenas, bears, turtles, and birds. The reserve is also home to various species of ancient trees such as oak, pistachio, pine, maple, as well as wild herbs. Students explored the Dibeen Forest Reserve and the Cedar and Gazelle Reserve. Students explored diverse wildlife and ancient tree species, gaining insights into the region’s tourism offerings. Acting as tour guides, each student shared their knowledge with peers and visitors, enhancing their ability to present key information to tourists.



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