Dean's Message

Dean's Message


Welcome to the official website of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel managementat Yarmouk University. The college was established by a decision of the Higher Education Council in 2011. The establishment of this college, which contains two departments, the first is tourism and travel and the second is hotel management, came in response to the growing need for the Jordanian tourism and hospitality sectors, where the tourism sector witnessed and still has a significant increase in the number of tourists, both domestically and from abroad.

The faculty launched its programs with great enthusiasm and with excellence and continued to establish its distinguished programs based on highly qualified professors from inside and outside the Kingdom, which worked to distinguish its programs and study plans, as the Department of Tourism and Travel contains a master’s program in tourism and two bachelor programs in tourism management and in Tourism guidance. The Department of Hotel Management has a bachelor's program and seeking to establish a master's program in hotel management.

The faculty members of the college are distinguished in research, both in terms of publication in international refereed scientific journals or in terms of participation in international conferences.Where two faculty members holdthe full professor rank in addition twelve associate professors, and the team has recently been joined by two new faculty members.

Since its inauguration, the college has also focused on excellence in the field of developing study plans in all disciplines and training and qualifying its students to be able to compete in the labor force market.

The faculty has signed a number of academic agreements with local and international universities to exchange experiences between faculty members from Yarmouk with specialized international scientific universities. In addition the faculty ofTourism and Hotel management is Receiving and sending students as a part of student exchange program to other universities. 

The Department of Tourism and Travel also obtained a TEDQUAL international accreditation from the World Tourism Organization UNWTO for the years 2018/2022, which is considered as a global distinction added to Yarmouk University and its distinguished faculty with its programs, plans and faculty members.

The Faculty of Tourism and Hotel management at Yarmouk University, with its academic and administrative staff, welcomes you all, and hopes that its contribution and excellence will continue to serve the country and its people.




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