Events and Announcement

Jordanian Tourism Conference IV

Proceeding from the faith of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels Management at Yarmouk University in promoting scientific research and open the communication channels between the different researchers at the local, regional and global levels , the faculty intends to hold its fourth annual conference under the title "the fourth Jordanian Tourism Conference" in the period between 9-11 July, 2017.

Key dates:

1. Proposal submission deadline 31/ 3/2017

2. Full paper submission 31/ 4/2017

3. Conference date 9-11/7/2017

4. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding no later than 31/9/2017

Conference Themes:

1. Tourism for all (the main theme of the World Tourism Day 2016)

2. Sustainable Tourism

3. Tourism and Hotel Marketing

4. Hospitality Industry

5. Human Resources in Tourism and Hospitality

6. Water and Tourism

7. Eco-Tourism

8. Cultural Tourism

9. Rural Tourism

10. Modern Applications in Tourism and Hospitality

11. Tourism and Hotel Education

12. Tourism Security

13. Tourism in a Changing World

14. Arab and International Experiences in the field of Tourism Development and Planning

15. Women and Tourism

16. Tourism and Local Communities



 Conference Committees:

First: Scientific Committee

1. Prof. Abdullah Al-Shorman

2. Dr. Akram Rawashdeh

3. Dr. Abdulkader Ababneh

4. Dr. Bashar Ma’ayah

5. Dr. Saad Al Saad

6. Dr. Fakhrieh Darabseh

7. Dr. Ahmad Makhadmeh

8. Dr. Omar Ananza

9. Dr. Hakam Shatnawi

Second: Preparatory committee

1. Dr. Akram Rawashdeh

2. Dr. Hakam Shatnawi

3. Dr. Mohammad Badarneh

4. Dr. Omar Ananza

5. Dr. Arige Al-Oudat

6. Dr. Salim Harahsheh

Third: Media committee

1. Dr. Hakam Shatnawi

2. Mr. Fural Al-Muhaisen

3. Dr. Sawsan Khreis

4. Dr. Salim Harahsheh

5. Mr. Ahmad Al-Omari/ Dept. of Public Relations

Fourth: Logistic committee

1. Mrs Safaa Alawneh

2. Miss Aisha Smerat

3. Mr. Ahmad Al-Zeiot/ Computer center

4. A representative from the Finance Dept.



 Conference Participation Fees:

1. Jordanian participants (Students, Academics, and workers in the tourism sector) are for free

2. Non- Jordanian students $ 100

3. Non- Jordanian academics and workers in the tourism sector $200

4. Fee Payment deadline: 10/6/2017

Conference fees include bags, brochures about the conference, tourist visits to tourism sites in the north of Jordan, as well as coffee and tea breaks and lunch during the conference days. Visits will be organised by the conference congress to different tourist sites during the three days of the conference as follows:

First Day: A visit to the Archaeological Site of Umm Qais

Second Day: A visit to Debbin Reserve and the Archaeological Site of Jerash in collaboration with the United Nations International Development Program (UNDP) to hold an open meeting in Dibbin.



 Conference Bank Account Details:

Beneficiary: Yarmouk University

Bank Name: Cairo Amman Bank

Account Number: JO53CAAB1200000000090003424722

Note: Please indicate the sender's name and the title of the conference briefly, for example: Abdullah Sharman-Tourism Conference

Proposed Venues (hotels) /close to the conference place:

- Sidra Palace Hotel (3 Stars)

0096227248888 OR 0096227248889

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

- 7 Days Hotel (3 Stars)




 Contact Information:

Prof. Dr. Abdullah Sharman - Chairman of the Conference

Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management - Yarmouk University

Mob: 00962798196564

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr. Akram Rawashdeh - Chairman of the Preparatory Committee

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management- Yarmouk University

Mob: 00962777314065

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr. Abdulkader Ababneh - Head of the Department of Tourism and Travel

Yarmouk University

Mob: 00962776424670

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr. Ahmed Makhadmeh - Head of hotel management

Yarmouk University

Mob: 00962795490150

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Conference Email

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