Students of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels in A Training Course with the Vocational Training Corporation on Managing Travel and Tourism Office Operations.

Students of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels in A Training Course with the Vocational Training Corporation on Managing Travel and Tourism Office Operations.


A group of tourism management students participated in a specialized workshop on managing travel agencies, organized by the Vocational Training Corporation in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism. The workshop, aimed at enhancing students' skills in the tourism and travel industry, took place from 21-31/10/2024 at the North Region Directorate. Participants received accredited certificates from Alwakeel Travel after completing 40 training hours.

The students shared their experiences and insights gained from the workshop with their peers in the Tourism and Travel Agencies course, taught by Mr. Zahir Khasawneh.


Prof. Akram Rawashdeh, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, distributed certificates to the participants and encouraged other students to engage in future activities and collaborations with both public and private sector partners, such as the Vocational Training Corporation.



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