Cooperation between the College of Tourism and Hotels and travel offices to provide training opportunities for students within field training courses for the second semester 2024-2025.
In a step aimed at supporting students and developing their practical skills in the tourism and travel sector, the College of Tourism and Hotels at Yarmouk University, Department of Tourism and Travel, hosted the Raheeq Tourism and Travel Office and the Montana Tourism and Travel Office, the Pioneers in the operation of tourism and travel agencies. This meeting came intending to meet students registered for field training courses in the business of tourism and travel companies, to obtain training opportunities during the study period, and to introduce them to the mechanisms of work in the tourism and travel sector within the practical training course 1 in the business of tourism and travel companies.
During the visit, the offices, represented by Mr. Zaid Al-Rababah, Director of the Raheq Tourism and Travel Office, and Mr. Yamen Al-Tawalbah, representative of the Montana Tourism and Travel Office, held a series of meetings with college students. They explained the nature of work inquiries relevant to available training opportunities. The delegation conducted interviews with students looking to join the training programs; their skills and abilities were evaluated to select the most qualified.
Dean of the College of Tourism and Hotels, Professor Akram Rawashdeh, confirmed that this visit aims to provide distinctive practical training opportunities for its students, noting that such meetings contribute to strengthening the bridge between the academic and practical aspects.
For their part, the tourism offices expressed their appreciation for the college’s efforts to graduate qualified cadres, stressing their continued support for qualifying and training students. It is noteworthy that this visit comes as part of a series of activities organized by the college to enhance practical training opportunities for its students, which contributes to better preparing them for the labor market after graduation.