Events and Announcement

Event 2019-2020



Faculty Events :

  1. -Tourism Management program has obtained the international accreditation certificate from the United Nation World Tourism Organization (TEDQUAL) for the next three years.


  1. The Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management has been awarded as the best college among the humanitarian and social colleges of Yarmouk University in scientific research for the academic year 2017/2018.


  1. In cooperation with the French Embassy in Amman, the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in Spain, and the Université Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne in France, the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management held its Fifth International Conference entitled: "Dialogue of Cultures: Tourism and Peace "from 12-13 / 2/2020.


  1. In cooperation with the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Center, the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management held training courses for its academic staff members regarding distance teaching and student evaluation mechanisms in light of the Corona pandemic.


  1. The Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management hosted representatives from civil society institutions such as companies and training centers at the university in order to provide lectures to students and faculty members on several topics of interest to them



  1. A number of students of the Department of Traveland Tourism have participated in the academic exchange programs Erasmus+.


  1. In cooperation with the Accreditation and Quality Assurance CenterHolding, a training course was held for the faculty members, entitled “Education Quality and Leadership in Hospitality management”. The lecturer is Dr Meguel Rivas from the World Tourism Organization. The course took place at the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Center from 9-11/2/2020.
  2. Organizing a career day with the Kout Food Group, which runs a large number of fast food restaurants in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation Council, from 18-19 / 2/2020, and accordingly, a number of students and graduates of the department were employed.


Faculty Agreements:


  1. New agreements were signed with local community institutions and companies concerned with travel, aviation and tourism.Like the cooperation agreement with the Jordanian Heritage Friends Association to train department's students.
  2. -Rreferringa bid concerning establishing a tourism and travel office inside the building of the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality to the traditional company of tourism and travel for the purposes of training studentswithin the faculty and allow the office to practice its work inside the university.
  3. -Signing of an agreement with the Eastern Middeterean University( EMU) in Cyprus.
  4. Issuing an agreement with Dundalk Institute of Technology/ Ireland to establish a joint 3 + 1 BA program in Hospitality Management.
  5. Issuing an agreement with the Jordan Armed Forces Hotel for the purposes of training the faculty students.
  6. Work on preparing an agreement with Sorbonne University to establish a joint master's programs in Hospitality Management.
  7. Signing a training agreement with Abu Riyadh Restaurant for the purposes of training the department's students.

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